River Choluteca

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

The Choluteca River in Honduras is facing a major environmental crisis due to the accumulation of plastic waste. This not only affects the health of the river, but also has negative impacts on the ecosystem and wildlife that depend on it. The situation is particularly alarming, as the Choluteca River serves as a source of water for thousands of people in the region.

However, there is hope on the horizon. RiverImpact has taken a proactive approach to address the plastic waste problem in the Choluteca River. The company has installed a barrier in the river to capture all the plastic waste, with the goal of cleaning the river and restoring its health. This solution not only benefits the environment and local communities, but also provides a sustainable source of recycled plastic materials that can be used in a variety of applications.

RiverImpact is committed to minimizing the harm caused to the environment and reducing waste. The company recognizes the importance of addressing the plastic waste problem in the Choluteca River and is taking concrete steps to make a positive impact. Through this initiative, RiverImpact is demonstrating its leadership and commitment to protecting the environment and promoting sustainable solutions.

Our Hondurian Partners:

  • MiAmbiente
  • Municipality
  • Eterna
  • Invema


Ministry of Environment, providing permits and licenses.

Ministry of Environment, providing permits and licenses.


Technical University providing research into plastic waste in Honduras and research into the behaviour of the RiverImpact Barrier.

Technical University providing research into plastic waste in Honduras and research into the behaviour of the RiverImpact Barrier.


Picks up the non-recyclable waste.

Picks up the non-recyclable waste.


Invema, the largest recycler in Central America, acting as our sorting and recycling partner.

Invema, the largest recycler in Central America, acting as our sorting and recycling partner.


the largest contractor in Honduras. Located next to the river. Supporting barrier installation and operations.

the largest contractor in Honduras. Located next to the river. Supporting barrier installation and operations.

© 2022 Created by RiverImpact